Bottleneck Buster
Day 2 – How to Find the Bottleneck?
Finding the Bottleneck:
Where is most of the time being spent?
What is causing the most pain in the process?
Leverage time trackers to measure team activity
Where do we start?
We are going to identify the biggest bottleneck that is taking the most time away from your team. This will help you maximize the ROI of improvement.
Measure team activity with a time tracker and sort the results by impact (time spent). Your biggest bottlenecks will float to the top.
Tools to help:
Ask your team to track all of their activity using one of these tools for a week. Start the timer when they begin a work task and don’t stop it until the task is complete. At the end of the week, review the results.
The question you need to ask yourself is – where did most of the time go?
Next Steps
Tomorrow I’m going to walk you through how we’ll use these results to map out the steps towards building a better solution to eliminate this bottleneck.
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