Does automation make people lazy?

A recent report has issued caution to accounting firms that perform audit services regarding automation.  The fear?  That automation might make auditors lazy. Is this true? Well first, let’s think about what’s being automated. Is it the…most engaging and enjoyable aspects of an accountants job?  (solving problems and delivering value) OR boring, tedious and time…

Can fraud be identified automatically?

I love putting puzzles together, but the process can be awfully time consuming. How long does it take you to put a puzzle together?  What’s the most time consuming step for you? For me, it’s grouping the pieces together.  That seems to take me forever and is also rather boring.  If I could, I would…

Do you know your neighbors salary?

If we were trying to predict the salary of your neighbor, how would we go about solving this problem? Well, if you knew the salaries of many others in the neighborhood already you could add those values to a map. On that map, we could observe where the value that we’re trying to predict appears…

Did you show your work?

In school teachers used to hammer us about ‘showing our work’ whenever it came to solving problems. I understood the concept in theory.  I’m sure they thought if you only had the answer and couldn’t prove how you got it then you had probably copied or cheated, right? However, I always wondered what if someone…